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Browns River Little League

Season Overview

The BRLL Season...


Open gyms/spring training sessions occur in March at MMUHS for interested players age 9-12 (with a potential day for farm league players age 4-8).  


Majors (11-12 year olds): practices beginning mid April with games beginning end of April. Season ends mid June. Typically 2-3 games and/or practices per week on Mon/Wed/Fri. Games are held at JES & Underhill Central School vs other BRLL teams, and in neighboring towns vs rival town teams. All Star play from end of June-July or even August if your child is selected.  

Minors (9-10 year olds, some 8 year olds): practices beginning mid April with games beginning end of April. Season ends mid June. Typically 2-3 games and/or practices per week on Tues/Thur/Sat. Games held at JES & Underhill Central School vs other BRLL teams, and in neighboring towns vs rival town teams. All Star play from end of June-July or even August if your child is selected. 

Farm League (4-8 year olds): practices beginning end of April or beginning of May. Typically 1 game per week on Saturday mornings vs other BRLL teams only @ JES or UCS. No travel to rival towns. 1-2 practices/week per coaches' discretion usually at JES or UCS.

Girls Softball (9-12 year olds): practices beginning mid April with games beginning end of April. Season ends mid June. Typically 2-3 games and/or practices p/ week. Games and practices will be held at BRMS vs other BRLL teams, and in neighboring towns vs rival town teams.


All Star play for 9-12 year olds: season typically runs from mid June to potentially mid August! Please click on the ALL STARS tab for more info! 


BRLL typically participates in the KOST summer and fall leagues. Summer League generally is available to players not involved in all star play. Fall League is a "play-up" league during September/October, where kids play at the level they will be at the following season. There are additional fees to play in these leagues and teams are formed if any players/coaches are interested & available. 


How old does my child need to be to sign up?

Programs are available for kids ages 4-12. Those who are 4 years old or will turn 4 by August 31st can sign up for tee ball. Those turning 13 by August 31 or earlier are NOT eligible to play. For those turning 13 years old before August 31, there are baseball opportunities with middle school teams, local Babe Ruth leagues, or travel teams with the Strike Zone or Bases Loaded.

Do you offer softball? Where do girls play?

BRLL softball is back for another season for those girls age 9-12 (or advanced 8 year olds with an evaluation - girls age 4-8 will continue to play farm league baseball) who would prefer to play minors/majors softball vs minors/majors baseball.  Softball will be played at BRMS with 2 practices during the week and a game on Saturdays.  To make this work however we will need help from families, so please volunteer! 

How can I help?  What help do you need?

We ALWAYS need help!  It takes a lot of work to create a fun, safe, active, learning environment for the kids!  We need coaches (especially new coaches in farm league -- no experience needed!!) and crucially, UMPIRES. Having volunteer umpires takes that pressure off the coach, who is often stuck umpiring his/her team's game.

There are many more opportunities and we always need the assistance. Check out the Volunteers tab for more information!

What are the different levels in Little League?  What level will my child be?

Little League is for boys and girls ages 4 through 12.  It is organized into tee ball/coach pitch (4-8 years old), minors (9-10) and majors (11-12). Your child's placement will follow these guidelines but we will sometimes adjust based on team balancing or a particular child's needs. For example, we often take advanced 8 year olds and place them in the minors division (based on coaches evaluations ONLY).

Tee Ball/Coach Pitch:

A: 4 and 5 year olds, new players.  We use a structured tee ball program designed by Little League, focused on fun and safety.  At this age we're making the game fun while setting the foundation for building fundamentals in the future. Games are short and fun.

AA: 6 and 7 year olds, returning payers.  At this level coaches pitch, with some tee-ball mixed in. We're working on throwing and catching skills, learning how to hit, while remaining focused on fun and safety. Games are short and fun.
AAA: 7 and 8 year olds, returning players. Coaches pitch exclusively and real game situations are introduced. The catcher position is introduced. Practice time is devoted to skill and fundamentals development. Potential pitchers are identified and may pitch toward the end of the season.

Minors & Majors - Kid Pitch:

Minors: 9-10 year olds (& advanced 8 yr olds). For the regular season we may bring up some 8 year olds who are more experienced. The step from AAA to Minors is big, yet exciting. 6 inning games observing all the rules, players pitch, we travel to other towns in the area. Games & practices are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We work to slow it down & find coachable moments within the game. Season is typically 12-14 games.

 11 and 12 year olds. This is the highest level of Little League organized baseball we offer. Games & practices are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Season is typically 12-14 games.

13+ options include school teams, Babe Ruth (the MMU district middle schools form one to two teams each season), and travel teams through Bases Loaded or the Strike Zone.

Contact Us

Browns River Little League

P.O. Box 350 
Jericho, Vermont 05465

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 802-999-3046
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